2019 La Jolla Christmas Parade

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Date(s) - 12/08/2019
12:00 pm - 3:00 pm

[mappress mapid=”6″]2019 La Jolla Christmas Parade
COCSD Volunteers Needed!

 Date: Dec 8th – 12 Noon setup (3pm shutdown)
 Start Location: Village of La Jolla, Silverado St @ Girard
(north side) in front of Union Bank and the VIP Booth.
Needed: 6 to 7 Convertibles / Max cars: 15
 Event Website: www.LJParade.com
 Bonus: Free pic of you, your car, and a Pageant Girl
1. This year’s parade theme: “Christmas on the Moon”. Dress yourself and your car accordingly.

2. The Convertibles will be used to drive Julie Crawley’s ‘Pageant Girls’ on the parade route. Non-convertibles will be their Entourage.

3. To Volunteer for this event:
a. Send email to: john.sroka@yahoo.com

(your name, cell phone number, convertible = yes or no)
b. Questions? John Sroka – 858-692-9274 / 858-412-6394
