Pot of Gold Run

Pot ‘O’ Gold Run

March 6, 2021

               This was the first run Roberta and I had organized for the club. I thought I would describe what it was like for us to create and lead a run. First, after going on many runs with the club we wanted to create a run that was more interactive for the members. Thinking of things like a scavenger hunt, Poker Run, Etc. we decided on a guided poker run. Again, interaction and fun were the goal. So, with some brainstorming we designed a run that utilized our local casinos as rally points. One of the things we noticed on other runs was because of traffic, lights, and turns some members got left behind. we wanted to create a solution that allowed everyone a chance to regroup easily.  So, the 5 casinos, 5 decks and 5 card stud run evolved with a goal of a $500 pot (we achieved $360). Continue reading “Pot of Gold Run”

Broken Yoke Car Show

Broken Yoke Car Show   February 13, 2021

COCSD attended its first car show of 2021 at the Broken Yoke Restaurant in Rancho San Diego.  Our event organizer, Roberta Degener is well connected to the owners of the Broken Yoke and was successful in obtaining very good spots for our vehicles.  We were well represented with about a dozen cars ranging from Jim Sperling’s 1960 C 1 to George Dauphine’s 2020 C 8.  There where over 200 vehicles of all kinds present.  A group of members gathered early to help reserve spaces.  After getting cars parked, assembling a popup and our club banner, it was time to enjoy breakfast at the restaurant.

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Wild Wild West Run


January 30, 2021

To have the run or not have the run, too much traffic, chains required, road closures, all factors in deciding wither to go?  We did go and that proved to be a good decision.  We did go to the mountains and that also turned out to be a good decision.  We did not go through Pine Valley as the Sunrise Highway was jammed with people going to see the snow.  That was another good decision!

Continue reading “Wild Wild West Run”

Neighborhood Christmas Light Cruise



On December 13th, we had eleven cars show up at the Chevron Station in Scripps Ranch to decorate their cars for a look at four neighborhoods lights displays.  Our first scheduled stop was Merry-Tage Court in Scripps Ranch.  Other than making a wrong turn on a dead-end street, all went well on the first leg of the journey.  It was a beautifully decorated area and well worth the drive thru.

Continue reading “Neighborhood Christmas Light Cruise”