Like last year 22 cars signed up for the run, however this year five of the cars were nonmembers interested in joining COCSD. We were also extended an invitation by Nick Iorio to see his pet camel at his home in Poway. Leah wasn’t feeling well and had to cancel. Then another nonmember shows up looking for something to do, found our run on the website and took Leah’s place at the lunch. He too is interested in joining COCSD. Two members who did not sign up on the website also showed (they did not stay for lunch but wanted to join for part of the run). 
In addition to a great turnout, this group of drivers knew how to drive in a run. We drove the entire 240 miles as a group, with only mild separation due to slow traffic. That made for a remarkably successful journey. We left promptly at 8:45, arrived at the restaurant at 11:45 on schedule and returned to Ramona around 3. Continue reading “SECOND ANNUAL PALM DESERT RUN”