Upon getting word from our Governor for all Californians to stay home, the club immediately cancelled all planned near-term activities. That included the *Barely North of the Border” run scheduled for March 21. The organizers of the run and a couple of others decided to drive the route as planned. We followed the guidelines of social distancing, Continue reading “WEEKEND RUNS MARCH THUR JUNE 2020”

Grand Funk Railroad Run Review

Grand Funk Railroad Run 

Now it was time to get “Closer to Home”.  With a little bit of “Foot Stompin Music”, our next Casino Pauma Run would not disappoint.  No one was a “Mean Mistreater “and there were not 4 Young Chiquitas from Omaha.  In fact, it was like “Closer to Home” to see “An American Band”.  GRAND FUNK RAILROAD 51ST YEAR TOUR. Continue reading “Grand Funk Railroad Run Review”

COCSD B S Run #6

COCSD B S Run #6

East SD Foothills Corvette Rally/Run to Barrett Junction Café

Sponsored by George Dauphine and Steve Hucik

Everyone who drives a Corvette looks forward to that day when they can take it out on the open road and put it through its paces. The morning was clear and sunny on Saturday, February 8, 2020, as about 50 fun loving COCSD and Corvette friends met at El Cajon Wal-Mart Supercenter parking lot before embarking on a challenging rally through the back country and foothills of east San Diego County. Continue reading “COCSD B S Run #6”



Butterfield Stagecoach route of 1864
On January 18th forty COCSD members and their guests assembled at the Park N Ride in Lakeside off the I-8 to begin a journey of one hundred sixty miles of back country roads in San Diego County. AT 8:30 the adventure began on the I-8 to Alpine where we exited to old highway 80 and on to Ocotillo. Going the old highway that parallels the Freeway took us on two lane lightly travelled roads through hilly country that are made for fun driving in any Continue reading “MAIDEN VOYAGE 2020”

Driven Profile of our Corvette Club

Driven Profile of our COCSD Club



Well, we’re up on YouTube and famous!!  There are two segments with links to each above that was received from Thom, who’s the Producer of the Driven TV series for Cox Communications.

The 1st one highlights our efforts when we race at K1 Speed.

The 2nd one highlights the run to Barrett Junction and our affiliation with the SD Center for the Blind