Great Southern Overland Stage Route

Date(s) - 01/22/2022
9:30 am - 2:30 pm

Rite Aid

Great Southern Overland Stage Route

January 22 is our initial club run in 2022. We will meet at the Rite Aid in Alpine at 9:30. Drivers meeting at 9:45 and depart at 10 for Ocotillo.  It’s approximately 60 miles with light traffic on lightly traveled road.  There is one stop light and three stop signs on the entire route.

We will have a short rest stop in Ocotillo and head back on S 3.  This is part of the Overland Stage Route of the 1860’s and a wide-open two-lane road with no traffic.  We will end the run in Ramona with a lunch for those who wish to stop.

Please sign up on the website if you plan to attend.  The lunch is not pre-paid, but I would like to give the restaurant an approximate head count.

Look forward to seeing you in the New Year on the road again.

Ken Carson – Activities Chair

Overland Stage Route Signup