Neighborhood Christmas light Cruise and Party

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Date(s) - 12/14/2019
4:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Sunset Hills Elementary School

2019 COCSD Neighborhood Christmas Light Cruise
No Experience Needed!


➔ Date: Saturday, Dec 14th – Drivers meeting @ 4:30pm (10 minutes)
➔ Start Location: Sunset Hills Elementary School (parking lot)
9291 Oviedo St, SD CA 92129
➔ Requirements: 1. Know how to put your Corvette’s headlights on minimal exterior lighting. . 2. Bring cash ($1 bills) for hot chocolate, cokes, cookies, popcorn, donations, etc.
3. A GPS or Navigation system for other addresses.
4. Bring a flashlight and jacket.
➔ The Cruise: 1. Sue & I will lead the caravan to the entrance of
‘Christmas Card Lane’. The entrance is 500 feet west of our start location. DRIVE SLOW. Kids everywhere.
2. After we enter ‘Christmas Card Lane’, keeping our cars together will be impossible. Just follow the flow of traffic. Stop at the houses you like. Let’s budget about 30 minutes for driving or walking around Christmas Card Lane.

PART 2 @ 6pm
➔ Next Stop: Santana High School (front circle parking area) 9915 N Magnolia Ave, Santee CA 92071
Drivers meeting @ 6:00pm estimated (5 minutes)

➔ Next Cruise: Sue and I will lead the caravan to the entrance of W Glendon Circle about 500 ft north of Santana High School. Just follow the flow of traffic on Glendon Circle. The neighborhood is an elongated circle with a few cul-de-sacs. We might be able to keep our cars together in this neighborhood but feel free to park and explore the houses you like. Estimated cruise time: 15 minutes.

PART 3 @ 7pm
➔ Final Stop: Ken and Gail Carson’s House
8009 Forrestal Road, San Diego, CA 92120 Phone: 619-286-2566                       ➔ Party Time!

➔ Your Cruise Hosts: John and Sue Sroka
➔ John Cell: 858-692-9274 Sue Cell: 858-692-5975
➔ Our Corvette: Yellow C7 Convertible – License plate: BIZZZZZ                            ➔ Call Us: We can get you back on track.

➔ Your Party Hosts: Ken and Gail Carson
➔ BYOB and bring a SNACK (Both are OPTIONAL)
➔ Email:
➔ Phone: 619-286-2566 (RSVP not required)